All are welcome to worship.

Bacon Memorial Presbyterian Church

Welcome to Bacon Memorial

Bacon Memorial Presbyterian Church is a growing family of believers who serve Christ and community doing whatever it takes to bring God’s message of love to all.


Sunday Worship and children's Sunday School at 10:30 am each Sunday.

Services are live streamed on Facebook
and a recording is available on our YouTube Channel.

(There will be no 11:30 pm service this year - we apologize for any inconvenience)

PRAYERGROUND IS OPEN! We have established a special space for children in the sanctuary so they can enjoy the time they spend in worship before Sunday School (which in this church is during the second half of worship). Parents and Grandparents - we invite you to come and check out this wonderful new space!

166 59th Street, Niagara Falls, New York 14304 -3812

Sunday Morning


10:30 am

Growing joyful, engaged Christians through inward and outward opportunities
Our Mission